A report said that recent developments like pedestrianization programmes and traffic management schemes had done little to improve access for disabled people around Scotland s main city and town centres.
Source: No Entry?, Capability Scotland (0131 313 5510)
Links: Capability Scotland press release
Date: 2005-Dec
The Scottish Executive published a report on race equality in Scotland. It highlighted areas where further action was needed to combat racial discrimination and prejudice.
Source: Scottish Executive Review of Race Equality Work in Scotland: A summary of the review and the way forward, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Report | SE press release
Date: 2005-Nov
A report set out the expectations of equality bodies in Scotland in relation to the duties placed on the public sector by existing and forthcoming legislation on race, disability and gender equality.
Source: Public Sector Duty: Three Commissions joint position paper, Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland (0845 601 5904), Commission for Racial Equality Scotland, and Disability Rights Commission Scotland
Links: Statement | EOC press release | CRE press release
Date: 2005-Nov
A report examined the relationships between mental health and inequalities in Scotland - including poverty, gender and race.
Source: Fiona Myers, Allyson McCollam and Amy Woodhouse, Equal Minds: Addressing mental health inequalities in Scotland, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Links: Report
Date: 2005-Nov
A committee of MSPs said that, notwithstanding examples of good practice, there was inconsistency across Scotland in good service delivery to Gypsy/Traveller communities.
Source: Preliminary Findings on Gypsy/Travellers: Review of progress, 5th Report, 2005 (Session 2), SP Paper 432, Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Links: Report | CRE Scotland press release
Date: 2005-Oct
A research report said that minority ethnic businesses contributed up to ?700 million per year towards the Scottish economy.
Source: David Deakins, Mohammed Ishaq, David Smallbone, Geoff Whittam and Janette Wyper, Minority Ethnic Enterprise in Scotland: A national scoping study, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Links: Report | Summary | SE press release
Date: 2005-Jun
A report examined the causes of destitution among asylum-seekers and refugees in Scotland. It said that they were being failed by the National Asylum Support Service.
Source: What's Going On? A study into destitution and poverty faced by asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland, Refugee Survival Trust (0131 554 6776)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary (pdf) | IRR press release
Date: 2005-Apr
A report documented the experiences of minority ethnic pupils in a range of school settings in different parts of Scotland, and sought to identify key factors relating to ethnic diversity which promoted or restricted inclusion.
Source: Rowena Arshad et al., Minority Ethnic Pupils Experiences of School in Scotland (MEPESS), Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Date: 2005-Mar
The independent Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland published a report on the handling of race issues within the criminal justice system. The Scottish Executive said that it accepted all the recommendations.
Source: Thematic Report on Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service's Response on Race Issues, Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland, available from Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400) | Press release 21 March 2005, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Report | SE press release
Date: 2005-Mar
The Equal Opportunities Commission in Scotland called for the Scottish Executive to take urgent action to tackle sex segregation in the modern apprenticeship programme.
Source: Emily Thomson, Ailsa McKay, Jim Campbell and Morag Gillespie, Jobs for the Boys and the Girls: Promoting a smart successful and equal Scotland, Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland (0845 601 5904)
Links: Report (pdf) | EOC press release
Date: 2005-Feb
A paper identified key texts from academic and research companies in relation to attitudes to religion, religious discrimination and sectarianism in Scotland.
Source: Louise McAspurren, Religious Discrimination & Sectarianism in Scotland: A brief review of evidence (2002-2004), Scottish Executive (web publication only)
Links: Report
Date: 2005-Jan
A report discussed the evidence base in relation to disabled people's access to, and participation in, the labour market in Scotland, and identified gaps in existing research in order to inform future research.
Source: Sheila Riddell, Pauline Banks and Teresa Tinklin, Disability and Employment in Scotland: A review of the evidence base, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Date: 2005-Jan